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HomeFarming NewsWhat is Regenuary? - a guide to the latest eco-initiative
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What is Regenuary? – a guide to the latest eco-initiative

In this article, Barry Crackett from innovative brushware manufacturer Brushtec shares his insight into the latest trend, regenuary.

From veganism to going plastic-free, people across all demographics are becoming more and more concerned with issues surrounding sustainability and the preservation of the planet.

This is reflected in their behaviour, as changes in consumer spending in favour of eco-friendly alternatives have been well documented in recent years.

Interestingly, research has shown that 88% of consumers want businesses to help them make ethical choices by offering more sustainable options (Forbes).

So, it’s important that the industry makes a concerted effort to adopt the latest environmental initiatives.

One such effort is Regenuary. This new but popular trend is taking off across social media, with posts from ethical farmers, butchers and grocers gaining unprecedented traction.

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Below, I’ll take you through the key aspects of Regenuary and suggest some easy ways you can get involved in the initiative.

What is Regenuary?

Regenuary — a portmanteau of ‘regenerative’ and ‘January’ — aims to encourage more people to support sustainable farming and eat seasonal, locally produced food for a whole month.

Inspired by the success of Veganuary, which had over 400,000 sign-ups last year, Regenuary was started one year ago in January 2020 by The Ethical Butcher. It was initially founded with meat production in mind, but can be applied to all areas of agriculture.

The idea behind Regenuary was that while Veganuary encourages people to try and give up meat and dairy for a month, regenerative agriculture inspires people to adopt more conscious attitudes when it comes to sourcing animal products, without having to drastically change their diet.

It also draws attention to the fact that vegan options aren’t always the most eco-friendly choice — for example when you compare locally reared meat to some imported fruit and veg — so simply cutting out animal products isn’t enough to revolutionise the food system.

Since established, the initiative has been supported by various members of the food and farming industries as it encourages the much-needed conservation of soil, water, wildlife, and other ecological benefits.

And, as regeneratively-labelled meat and dairy products become more popular, responsibly grown crops and other types of produce should follow, ensuring even more positive change.

How to get involved

While the principles of Regenuary are beneficial for eco-conscious consumers, farmers, and distributors alike, it can be difficult to know exactly what the industry can to do help the cause.

The truth is that almost all aspects of agriculture, from livestock welfare to waste management, can be made more sustainable to contribute to a more regenerative food system. So, it’s a good idea to review your own eco-initiatives in the run up to 2022.

Make sure you only use or produce products that are local, in season, and regenerative rather than damaging to the eco-system. Focus on rearing and farming methods that are as sustainable and high-welfare as possible.

One downside of regenerative farming may be that you need to increase prices, so you’ll have to make sure you educate your customers and clearly highlight the benefits of your more conscious fare.

Businesses also play a vital role in increasing awareness of the benefits of regenerative farming.

From labelling your products to engaging with posts on social media, your marketing can help more people in the industry adopt more conscious practices and reach even more consumers.

If you’re looking for ways to disrupt the industry and be more sustainable, or even just appeal to a rising demographic of more conscious consumers, Regenuary is a trend to watch.

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