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HomeBeef10 books on farming and food you should read
Catherina Cunnane
Catherina Cunnane
Catherina Cunnane hails from a sixth-generation drystock and specialised pedigree suckler enterprise in Co. Mayo. She currently holds the positions of editor and general manager at That's Farming, having joined the firm during its start-up phase in 2015.
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10 books on farming and food you should read

Food and Farming Books

Everyone needs information, and one of the best options in this context is to adopt the experience of successful farms.

Moreover, many gladly share the knowledge required with the beginning farmers since they know that this work is the most challenging in the world and has a lot of pitfalls.

Graduating from an agricultural institute is only half the job on the way to development.

Experience is essential to gain from the books described in this article. Farmers can learn how to increase harvests and care for certain animals.

The books will be of equal interest to agrarians, farmers, agronomists, and farm managers.

So choose relevant literature and learn from the mistakes and knowledge of others.

# 1 Desert or Paradise, by Sepp Holzer

It is the most comprehensive publication that summarizes the experience of creating natural landscapes and growing plants in different countries.

The book contains a lot of valuable information, but if you do not have time to read it in its entirety, you can use Best Writers Online, where a qualified author compiles the essential data for you.

# 2 We Eat What We Eat, by Alice Waters

Celebrity chef Alice Waters, a longtime supporter of the Slow Food Movement, shares her thoughts on how food affects people and their environment in her book. So why listen to the author?

First, she is a professional in her field with years of experience in the food industry, and second, she offers concrete solutions that each of us can do to make profound and lasting change.

# 3 The Heirloom Gardener, by John Forti 

This book by a historical gardener and ethnobotanist emphasizes the importance of gardens in the past, present, and future.

On the one hand, it is a collection of essays on plants, but on the other — a comprehensive guide to gardening.

All in all, every reader reveals in it what they are looking for about heirloom seeds and long-standing gardening traditions.

After reading it, you may want to slow down and reconnect with nature, which is gratifying.

However, if you want to know more about the author of this book, you can go to Writing Judge, where you can find an expert who will find all the information you need on this subject.

# 4 Pastoral Song, by James Rebanks

This book is fascinating since it is something of a shepherd’s elegy to traditional farmers and farming methods.

The author reveals in the pages of his book an entire chronicle of his family farm in the Lake District of England, recounting fond memories of his grandfather teaching him how to till the land and pick blackberries with his grandmother.

Here you will also discover the story of inheritance, precisely what can be gained and lost during the long journey.

# 5 Grow Now, by Emily Murphy

According to the author, a garden is the best food source and can also be home to wildlife and bugs in your area.

In this guide, Murphy shares knowledge on planting a garden that will provide delicious food and attract the birds and insects that help revive your land.

So if you have been thinking about improving your garden for a long time, now is the time.

# 6 Soil, by Matthew Evans

This book is similar to a love letter, only not to the person but the soil. The author talks about the role of healthy soil in our lives and our bad attitudes toward it (over-clearing, overgrazing, and over-plowing the earth).

The emphasis here is that people should stop treating the soil as dirt and value it if we want to continue to eat the food that nourishes us.

# 7 Funny Farm, by Laurie Zaleski

This book is a little out of line with the overall theme of the article, but we decided to put it on this list because it’s very kind and life-affirming.

It deals with Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary. In this non-profit organization, Zaleski takes care of unwanted and neglected farm animals and pets with special needs, including pigs, goats, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, llamas, emus, and skunks.

# 8 How To Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House, by Claire Ratinon 

The author shares her knowledge of growing food in urban settings in this book.

In it, you will find the basic principles of producing many edible plants at home. In addition, Ratinon covers such topics as seed sowing, plant care, and different approaches to growing other groups of plants.

# 9 Wild Fermentation, by Sandor Katz

This book is written by a true fermentation guru. Thus, it is a real find for anyone interested in this subject. Here you will find valuable properties and step-by-step guides to start a food revolution from the comfort of your home.

# 10 The Meat Paradox, by Rob Percival

The debate about whether people should eat meat is still going on. If you are interested in this topic, this book is definitely for you.

In it, the meat policy expert and head of food policy at the Soil Association take a hard look at the issue by examining past, present, and future meat consumption.


We hope these books will answer many of your questions, whether you are farming or dreaming of having your own small farm.

Perhaps, you want to learn how to find common ground with farm animals and adequately care for them.

Either way, each of the books presented here contains invaluable knowledge and experience, tested over the years, which will be helpful to you in your hard but exciting work.

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